Topic: A Personal Invitation From God [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 7 OCTOBER 2020] -

Topic: A Personal Invitation From God [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 7 OCTOBER 2020]

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A Personal Invitation From God

Isaiah 55:1-7

The Creator of the universe, who formed us and sustains our life, bids us come to Him for food and drink without cost. He’s not referring to free material provision but instead has in mind a far greater gift: salvation. This blessing is freely offered to all who will come to His Son and discover the truth that Jesus is the Bread of Life and Living Water who alone can give eternal life.

Have you come to the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven of sins and reconciled to the heavenly Father? If so, are you continually partaking of the spiritual sustenance He provides? Just as we need a consistent supply of food and drink to live and thrive physically, so too do we need daily spiritual nourishment through God’s Word and abiding presence.

Are you trying to live the Christian life in your own strength by working hard to serve the Lord and become a better person? Such an approach leads only to fruitless exhaustion. To flourish and grow, a person must be completely dependent on Christ for spiritual nutrition. That involves drawing near to Him each morning through His Word and prayer and receiving His grace all day long.

Bible in One Year: Matthew 13-15

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