Topic: A Prayer for Pregnant Mothers – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett  10 May  2023

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A Prayer for Pregnant Mothers
By Emma Danzey

 “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” – Jeremiah 1:5

Last year was my very first Mother’s Day. No, I hadn’t the faintest clue what my baby would look like, his gender, or what he felt like inside of my womb. I was two months pregnant. Motherhood begins long before the physical birth of a baby. Before entering the world, he was fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together, and created by God. I determined to claim the title mom when I found out I was pregnant. I was a mom of a baby in my womb. The Lord created that baby, the moment of conception leading to immediate life. Jeremiah 1:5 says before he formed Jeremiah in his mother’s womb, He set him apart as a prophet. God sees our unformed substance. (Psalm 139:16) My very first Mother’s Day, my family celebrated the baby and me so sweetly. It felt right. We acknowledged and celebrated his life and that God chose me to care for him, just as we did on Father’s Day for my husband. Today we are going to pray over pregnant mothers in this unique season of motherhood.

Let’s Pray:

Thank you so much for Your gift of new life. Thank You that You are the Creator of all things and that every person is made in Your image. Thank You for pregnant mothers chosen to carry the next generation. Thank You for being their Rock in the newness and unknowns of first-time moms. Thank You for being the strength of those who already have children who are carrying more while trying to care for the others in front of them. Thank You for comforting those who have lost children before but are walking in faith during this pregnancy. Thank You for those who are afraid to be moms. Thank You for those who had unplanned pregnancies but are choosing to be Your vessels for life, whether they raise the baby or place the baby up for adoption. We praise you for life. Thank You for our mothers who carried us for nine months and cared for us to be here.

Please help all women and the different types of pregnancies out there. Bless these women with “manna” for the day. Give them grace in the hard things and the trials along the way. Provide them with emotional, physical, and spiritual support during this time. Reveal to them more of who You are and help them to look to You as their role model of loving well and nurturing faithfully. We pray that their fears will rest and they will trust You whenever they are afraid. Give them freedom from the bondage of anxiety at appointments. Place them under excellent care. Show them You are with them every step of the way. Where adversities linger, give them the eyes to see Your refining powers and incredible comfort. Bless them with hearts of celebration and smiles over a new life. Keep their sicknesses at a minimum, give them confidence in their body image, and help them be in tune with their specific babies’ needs in the womb.

Protect these beautiful new lives inside of them. We glorify You for bringing new people into the world. Help these newly created ones love You and learn of Your saving grace. We pray for a generation of believers. We pray for moms to begin praying over their children, singing worship over them, and telling them of Your great love now. May these mothers not wait to witness to their unborn children but begin evangelizing today. Bless them. To moms who have doubts about You, may this experience strengthen their faith to the utmost and give them a firmer foundation and understanding of You as God and their Savior. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Viorel Kurnosov


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