Topic: A Tall Yarn [David Jeremiah Ministry 2 February 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: A Tall Yarn [David Jeremiah Ministry 2 February 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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A Tall Yarn

FEBRUARY 2, 2021

He saved others.
Matthew 27:42

 Recommended Reading: Matthew 27:36-50

Would you believe giant balls of twine are scattered here and there around the world? The largest is said to be in Kansas, where a man named Frank Stoeber spent his life winding 1.6 million feet of twine into a massive ball, which is now a tourist attraction. Another man, Francis A. Johnson, spent years working on his ball of twine in Darwin, Minnesota. We could give other examples, but the lesson is as sharp as a needle. Many people spend their lives spinning their possessions into larger and larger bundles, which they’ll only leave behind. 

How much better to live as Jesus did—for others. Even His enemies said, “He saved others.” Jesus lived for us, and He wants us to live for Him and for others—for one another. 

Look around you today. Perhaps you’ll run across a child needing a smile, a disabled person needing a boost, a weary worker needing a kind word, a lonely person needing a call or note. Think of a way to encourage your pastor. Caring for others is the tie that binds. So look to Jesus and follow His pattern.

A person wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.

Benjamin Franklin


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Leviticus 16 – 18

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