Topic: A Total Miracle [David Jeremiah Ministry 6 September 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: A Total Miracle [David Jeremiah Ministry 6 September 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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A Total Miracle


Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people!
Psalm 66:5, NLT

 Recommended Reading: Psalm 66:1-7

Dr. Dale Glenn was resting in his airplane seat at 40,000 feet when the flight attendant called over the intercom for a doctor’s assistance. When he responded, he discovered a woman giving birth in the plane’s tiny bathroom. It was a “cryptic pregnancy.” In other words, the woman was unaware she was pregnant. As it turned out, she was 29 weeks along with a tiny baby. Soon Dr. Glenn was surrounded by three other passengers on the plane—all of them neonatal intensive care unit nurses! “It was a total miracle,” Glenn said later, and the NICU team saved the child—a baby boy.[1]

Maybe there are times in your life about which you can only say, “It was a total miracle!” God can perform miracles, and He will do so for His children.

But the real “total miracle” is how He transfers us from darkness to light. It’s how He transforms us from hopeless sinners into Christlike followers and friends. That’s a miracle that keeps working its wonders in our lives every day! Let’s praise the Lord for He is our totally miraculous Lord!

How quickly we forget God’s great deliverances in our lives. How easily we take for granted the miracles He has performed in our past.
David Wilkerson

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