Topic: A WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE (2)  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 1 March  2022 -

Topic: A WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE (2)  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 1 March  2022

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Dear Reader,

You are welcome to another exciting time in God’s presence. Last time, I shared with you soe keys that will help enhance your value on earth.  This week, I will be teaching the subject ‘You Are Created to Shine’.

ALSO READ: Open Heaven March 1 2022  –Topic: WHO SAID WHAT? V 

What does it mean to shine? It means to stand out, to be outstanding. In other words, you have been lost in the crowd long enough; it is time to come out of the crowd to reflect light and shine bright! Some people are lost in the crowd in their careers; for some others, there is nothing to write home about their family lives. However, I see God changing such positions in Jesus name! God will take you from the back seat, where you have been all your life, to put you right in the front row of life!

The Primary Purpose of Light

The primary purpose of lightis to shine, to stand out and be bright. We live in a world of darkness, with evil everywhere! But the good news is, just as you never see light running away from darkness, darkness automatically flees. The Scripture says, Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee (Isaiah 60:1). From the above scripture, notice that God did not say, ‘If you can, shine!’, neither did He say, ‘If your environment is conducive or if you have a lot of money or if you are able to escape from Nigeria to America by Visa lottery, go and shine there!’ He simply said, ‘Arise, shine for your light has come…’ That is God’s commandment, and from 1 John 5:3, we know that His commandments are not to grieve us but to groom us. Therefore, no matter the reason for not shining, you are simply disobeying God, and when you disobey His commandments, you attract a penalty. God will not go against you! So, stop making excuses and stop waiting until you are married or better educated. Where you are right now is a good place to begin. If God has commanded you to shine, then you have all it takes to shine!

Affecting the destinies of others

Let me begin with this example, the beads women put on has a strong string that runs through all the beads, and its essence is to hold the beads together. However, if the string is cut, all the beads will scatter. By this illustration, imagine life as a bead necklace and imagine yourself as one of the beads linked up with others. Every time you shift position, you affect the destinies of others! Life is a link, and your destiny is tied to other people. So, when you refuse to shine, you are affecting the destinies of other people negatively. That should help you understand you really have no choice but to shine. You can stay in your proper placement and position and enhance the destinies of other people. The end-time army in Joel 2 is an army of men and women that will not break their ranks. Look at the moon, the sun and the earth; they all work together. For instance, the moon does not have a light of itself. It simply positions itself appropriately to reflect the light of the sun. As a result, we can come out at night to see a very bright moon.

Men are waiting to see you shine at your workplace, your neighbourhood, etc.        Mike Murdock said, ‘You will be remembered either for the problems you solved or the ones you create’. You need to make a choice to either solve problems or create problems. You will not be a problem creator but a problem solver! Ask yourself, ‘Am I shifting position and causing problems in the body of Christ or am I standing in my place, ensuring that I reflect the glory of God Almighty?’ You will not disappoint destiny!

Therefore, until your light comes, you cannot shine. However, if you are not born again, you are still in darkness. So you need to surrender your life to Christ because it is your salvation that makes for shining. If you are ready for this new birth experience, please say this prayer: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today as a sinner. Forgive me my Sins.  I believe You died and rose on the third day for my sins.  Deliver me from sin and satan to serve the living God.  I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour.  Make me a child of God today.  Thank You for accepting me into Your kingdom.

Click To Read Powerful Devotional:


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