Topic: A WORD FROM GOD CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional September 28 2019 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“And David inquired of God, saying, Shall I go up against the Philistines? and wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? And the LORD said unto him, Go up; for I will deliver them into thine hand”. 1 Chronicles 14:10 KJV

Child of God, one word from the Lord can make all the difference in your life. Struggles come to an end when you receive the proceeding word. You know what others don’t know and that makes you stand out. You can only display this unusual wisdom that will put you ahead of the pack if you are properly grounded in the Word of God.

In 1 Chronicles 14, David needed to hear expressly from God how to deal with the enemy that had come against him and God gave him a clear-cut instruction. In verse 13 of 1 Chronicles 14, the enemy came again, but this time David was given a fresh strategy for battle. Understand that it was the same David, the same enemy, yet a new strategy was needed. Beloved, you cannot stun your world with fresh ideas until you learn to receive a fresh word from Him who has called you. Always ensure that your ear is close to His mouth; and you will always function at a higher level than your contemporaries.

Another thing you should know is that the measure of the Word of God that you have in you will determine how far you will go, so be a stickler for the Word. You need to continually feed your spirit man with the Word and the Word will produce for you. It is as you give the Word the place of priority in your life that fresh strategies, insights, ideas and concepts will become common place in your life. I declare that you will shock your detractors. I want you to go into this day rejoicing for God will continually watch over His Word in your life to perform it. Indeed, I bless you. You will not be denied. You will win in every competition of life.

Further Reading: 1Chronicles 14:8-17, Isaiah 55:8-11
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Isaiah 5-6; Evening- Ephesians 1

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