Topic: Accomplish Your Life’s Mission [Tony Evans Devotional August 28 2019]
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Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12
“I have glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work that You have given Me to do” Jesus told His heavenly Father.
If you died tomorrow, could you say the same? Could you say, “I have glorified You on earth with the work You sent me here to do”?
You might say, “But that’s Jesus talking.” Remember, Paul said the same thing as Christ. Paul wrote that he had fought a good fight. He kept the faith and finished his course. Until this becomes your passion, you are wasting your life from an eternal perspective.
As the old saying goes, “Teach me, Lord, to number my days. Only one life will soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.” It is now time for you to accomplish the work that God sent you here to do.
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