Topic: Admiring Christ at the Throne of Judgment – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 29 January 2022

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Admiring Christ at the Throne of Judgment

As the end of days approaches, you can find hope as you admire the perfect sacrifice of Christ!

ALSO READ: Open Heaven 29 January 2022  –Topic: DEMANDS OF A CHRISTIAN LIFE 

Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!”

-Revelation 5:13, emphasis added

As we look into the final book of the Bible again, remember that it is the revelation of Jesus Christ. The entire Bible is now combined into one majestic picture of Jesus as the Lamb of God. He whom the prophets foretold, the priest portrayed, and to whom John the Baptist pointed, the One who stood unknown in the midst of men, is now shown to be the center of God’s plan for the last segment of time prior to when time shall be no more. And at the very center of the universe is His throne-a place of eternal calm, unceasing tranquility, perfect peace, and endless day-like the calm in the eye of a storm.

I had never experienced the calm in the eye of a storm until a hurricane swept through New England in 1989. Hour after hour, the winds increased until mature trees were snapping like little twigs. Then it happened: there was a perfect pool of quiet calm in between the storm’s two-pronged devastation. And that is where we are in Revelation 4 and 5-a place of tranquility in between the stormy church age and the tempestuous end of the earth as we know it.

· Revelation 1-3 reveals His struggling churches.As Jesus looks at these saints with His laser-like eyes, He takes their pulse, and then warns: “I am only finding some of your lives pleasing in My sight. Repent and come back. Do what I commanded you to do at first.”

· Revelation 4 reveals the calm between the two storms.People who perpetually experience the presence of God can live in the eye of the storm continually, having calmness in the midst of the struggle all around them. Perfect peace always exists in God’s presence.

·Revelation 5-20 reveals the end of the earth.To fully understand what is going on in these chapters, this week we will admire the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, and remember what He did for us.

In Revelation 5  John transports us from Patmos’ prison colony mines to the highest point of heaven to let us gaze at a moment yet future. We are at the throne of judgment, and on the throne is the Judge of all, who is getting ready to take back the control of this earth that is reeling out of control toward destruction.

Chapter 5 is written in two distinct parts: verses 1-5 declare the utter unworthiness of mankind in the sight of God; verses 6-14 magnify the utter worthiness of the Lamb.

This is what admiring the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ is about–acknowledging the greatness of what He accomplished at Calvary. You can find peace at the judgment of God by recognizing your unworthiness and guilt before His holy throne, bowing and worshiping the utter worthiness of the Lamb, who is your perfect substitute!


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