Topic: AFTER SALVATION, WHAT NEXT?  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 24 July   2022

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Now That You Are Born Again, Understand That:

  1. aYou are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), being born again makes you a brand new person; old things – behaviour, lifestyle, character, etc., are passed away, and now all things have become new.
  2. bYour sins are forgiven (Colossians 2:13), by the blood of Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven. You are thoroughly made clean and perfect. The nature of sin you were born with has been destroyed.
  3. Every curse is lifted (Galatians 3:13, Col. 2:14), you are now free from every curse such as poverty, failure, bareness, family/generational curses or demonic influences. Numbers 23:23.

To Enjoy The Benefit Of Being Born Again:

You need knowledge (Daniel 11:32, Hosea 4:6, John 8:32): To enjoy the privileges of redemption, you need to know what is in it for you. You have also been reborn into a new family, God’s household, the Kingdom of God; hence, it is important to know how things work in this new Kingdom so you will not be a misfit or a stumbling block to others. If you don’t know how things operate in this Kingdom, you will keep being deceived and cheated by the devil.

Also Read:Open Heaven 24 July   2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – VISA TO HEAVEN 

To Get This Knowledge (2 Timothy 2:15):

  • Read the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16): Everything you need to know about God, his ways and about your new life is in the bible; therefore, study and meditate on it.
  • Read anointed books (Daniel 9:2): In these books, the things in the bible that are hidden are broken down (for your easy understanding and assimilation) by men and women that God has given peculiar insights and revelations.
  • (You can visit Dominion Bookstores online for books from Living Faith Church Worldwide).
  • Don’t miss Church services (Hebrews 10:25): The Church is a place where the unlimited truth of the Word of God is taught, under the anointing of the Holy Ghost to make a quality and successful Christian out of you. To meet your spiritual needs, for edification and growth, locate a Bible believing Church of your choice and attend regular weekly services. Never neglect the gathering of believers!
  • Get baptized in the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4): The Holy Ghost is the power of God that makes its cheap and possible to live the Christian life. Jesus said that when the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you will receive power that will make your life a testimony.
  • Be baptized in water (Matthew 3:13, Luke 3:21): Even Jesus had to be baptized in water; it is called the fulfillment of all righteousness. Therefore, as a Christian, until you are baptized in water you are not yet complete.
  • Pray always (Philippians 4:6, Joshua 5:16): Now that you have a father in heaven whom you can always talk to about your need, challenges, etc. He is always there to answer. The Bible clearly states in Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee… Instead of taking your challenges to men take them to God, He knows how to handle them and He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).
  • Keep the right company (Proverbs 13:20): Now that you are born again, break off from ungodly associations, and every friend that is not born again. You are now in the light, while they are still in darkness, you have nothing in common (2 Corinthians 6:14). If you don’t break off from your old friends and associations, you might get back to your old life.
  • Get involved in any service unit in Church: Find out about the service groups and join one of them, through which you will commit yourself to service in God’s Kingdom. Don’t just be a bench warmer; make sure you are in at least one activity group e.g. Evangelism Group, Sanctuary keepers group, Choir, Technical team, Prayer group, Security team etc. God promotes His people through service.


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