Topic: “ANGEL” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 19 August 2020

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READ: Acts 12:1-16

Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” – Hebrews 1:14

One night, whilst ministering at a Miracle Wave Convention, something astonishing happened. There were thousands of people present that night and the power of God was “flowing”. That night I remember that when I finished preaching the Word, I felt that God had already moved. It was not even necessary to do anything further. There was a lady sitting up in the balcony with her baby and husband.

This lady suddenly experienced an open vision. Her eyes opened supernaturally and she could see me and everybody else on the stage. But she also saw a huge angel standing on my left hand side suspended in mid-air.

She said the angel would hand out blessings as I spoke and smaller angels would carry them to the people. She said that some people had outstretched hands and were very receptive. The angels would go straight to them with the blessings. Whilst others were receiving, others were dozing off and missing out on the spiritual impartation that was taking place.

I believe that this angel goes around with me whenever I minister. I know that that “big guy” has been assigned to me. He is my ministering angel. Spiritual things are as real as physical things. The Bible teaches us that angels are ministering spirits that minister for us. They work for us and help us. That is why the angel was distributing spiritual parcels to those who were receiving the Word

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