Topic: Anointed to Live Supernaturally [Joyce Meyer Devotional 9 November 2021] -

Topic: Anointed to Live Supernaturally [Joyce Meyer Devotional 9 November 2021]

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Jesse sent and brought him. David had a healthy reddish complexion and beautiful eyes, and was fine-looking. The Lord said [to Samuel], Arise, anoint him; this is he. Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward.— 1 Samuel 16:12–13 (AMPC) NOVEMBER 09, 2021

When I think of the word anointed, I think of something being rubbed all over. We are anointed (rubbed all over) with God’s power. He has anointed us with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to help us live life in a supernatural way.

Also Read: Open Heaven 9 November 2021 –Topic: WE OWE GOD GRATITUDE 

Even as spiritual people, we must deal with ordinary natural things all the time. Think about how messy your closet, garage, or basement is—it didn’t get that way overnight, and it probably won’t get cleaned up without some time and effort. Does a messy area of your home aggravate you every time you see it, yet you put off cleaning it up because you dread it? If so, it is time for change. I want you to attack those messes boldly and have the confidence that you can have order in your life and home. You have the power of God in your life. You are able to clean up anything in your life and do it with joy!

Prayer Starter: Lord, I receive Your Spirit afresh today and ask for Your anointing in my life. Help me to bring everything in my life into order confidently confront the messes surrounding me, amen.

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