Topic: Are the “-ites” After You? [Joyce Meyer Devotional 2 March 2020] -

Topic: Are the “-ites” After You? [Joyce Meyer Devotional 2 March 2020]

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The Moabites, the Ammonites, and with them the Meunites came against Jehoshaphat to battle.— 2 Chronicles 20:1 (AMPC)

In today’s verse, the Moabites, the Ammonites, and the Meunites were after King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah. In other places in the Old Testament, the Jebusites, the Hittites, and the Canaanites were troublemakers for God’s people.

But today, we’re dealing with the “fear-ites,” the “disease-ites,” the “stress-ites,” the “financial problem-ites,” the “insecurity-ites,” the “grouchy neighbor-ites,” and so on.

I wonder, which “-ites” are chasing you right now? Whatever they are, you can learn from King Jehoshaphat’s response to the “-ites” who were after him. The first thing he did was fear, but then he quickly did something else: he purposely decided to seek the Lord. Jehoshaphat even declared a fast throughout his kingdom because he was determined to hear from God. He needed a battle plan, and only God could give him one that would succeed.

Like Jehoshaphat, we need to develop the habit of running to God instead of people when we have trouble. We should look to Him first rather than consulting our own wisdom or asking for others’ opinions. We need to ask ourselves whether we run to the phone or to the throne in stressful situations. God may use a person to speak a word of advice to us, but we always need to seek Him first.

Hearing God’s voice is a great way to fight fear. When we hear from Him, faith fills our hearts and His love begins to drive fear away. We have the same need now as Jehoshaphat did centuries ago: to hear from God. Be sure to seek Him and listen to His voice today.

Prayer Starter: Father, please show me the steps I can take to seek You in a greater way. Thank You for Your faithfulness to protect me and Your willingness to direct me every day! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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