Topic: ARE YOU A CONTRIBUTOR?  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 28 November 2021

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“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”

-PROVERBS 27:17-

Sometime back, a young man came to me for counsel. He was in a relationship that was headed for marriage, but along the line, that relationship was challenged. In the course of our discussion, I realised that the major issue was that the contribution was one-sided. He did the constant prayers, bought the gifts, made the calls and all the lady did was wait to receive the attention and care. This put a strain on the relationship because the man was feeling unloved. Eventually, they went their separate ways.

It is important to enter into a (godly) relationship as a contributor, not a burden. Give your time, energy, knowledge, and spiritual work, into that relationship. What you take into it, determines what you get from it.

Also Read: Open Heaven 28 November 2021 – Topic: WHO IS YOUR REAL ENEMY? 

Don’t keep looking for gains, instead, be the impact you want to see. Constantly bear in mind that what you make happen for others, determines what God makes happen for you. What contribution have you brought into the relationship you are in right now? Have you been a genuine friend? Have you been able to strengthen his or her walk with God? Have you imparted your partner positively: emotionally, spiritually, and otherwise? If not, then you need to tighten your girdle and start being of benefit.

Beware of selfishness! Stop taking undue advantage of others. Refuse to join the company of those who keep milking others, giving nothing in return. Love is all about giving and you must be able to sacrifice something in other to make a positive difference in the life of another. The best time to start is now so, start contributing.

Remain Blessed!

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