Topic: Are You Empty? [Joyce Meyer Devotional 8 December 2020]

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Then he said, Go around and borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels, and not a few.— 2 Kings 4:3 (AMPC)

Today’s scripture mentions “empty vessels,” which is what all of us are. We don’t have anything useful within ourselves, except the power and presence of God that can flow out of us. Certainly, we have value, but only because of the value God assigned to us by paying such a high price for our redemption: the blood of His Son, Jesus. In Christ, we exist and have everything, but in our flesh (who we are apart from Him), there is nothing of any eternal value.

Without Jesus, what do we have to offer God? Nothing. God doesn’t need us; He can do anything He needs to do without us. But He wants to invite us into His work, which is a great privilege and honor, and one that requires us to empty ourselves so we can be filled with Him.

Now, emptying ourselves is not an easy task, and it definitely doesn’t happen quickly. I spent many years wondering if I would ever start to show humility instead of pride, trusting God’s strength instead of mine. If you feel the same way, let me encourage you that as long as you don’t give up, you are making progress. If we’re pressing on and are sincere about growing spiritually, we’ll eventually be like the vessels in today’s scripture—empty of ourselves and ready to be used by God to fulfill His great purposes for our lives.

Prayer Starter: Father, please empty me of everything in me that isn’t from You, and fill me with Your Spirit. Thank You for treasuring me, helping me grow, and making me truly valuable. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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