Topic: Are You Faithfully Walking Each Day? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 14 December 2021]

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Are You Faithfully Walking Each Day?

December 14, 2021


“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.” (Isaiah 40:28-29)


Do you want to know what victorious Christian living looks like primarily? It’s not soaring like an eagle or running like a deer; it’s walking day by day for Jesus Christ. It’s fixing breakfast, dressing the kids when you can’t find but one sock, getting them off to school on time, and praising Jesus all the way.

Also Read: Open Heaven 14 December 2021 –Topic: ALL YOUR HEART, SOUL, AND MIND 

Being faithful in the small things may seem simple, but it’s no small task. It’s cleaning toilet bowls, doing the game-old grind on the job. It’s serving God in good days and bad days, hot days and cold days, every day, every way, day after day, night after night, week after week, walking with Jesus. In many ways, it is more difficult to be faithful in the ordinary things of life than it is in the biggest moments of life. It’s one thing to have soaring power; it’s another thing to have surging power, but it’s something wonderful to have sticking power to stay, to walk and faint not, to “keep on keeping on” for the Lord Jesus.

  • What are the ordinary things of life that God has called you to be faithful in today?
  • Why is it often easy to overlook these things in search of “more important” pursuits?

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