Topic: Are You Looking for Jesus This Christmas? – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 20 December 2021

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Are You Looking for Jesus This Christmas?

Who was looking for Jesus at His first coming? It’s interesting to note briefly tonight the state of readiness that was present when the miracle came 2,000 years ago!

On the first Christmas when God invaded the time space prison of earth, there were four characters we examine today.

Also Read: Open Heaven 20 December 2021 –Topic: FRIEND OF A MOCKER?

Two of them were looking for Him and found that day the greatest in their lives, the other two were not looking for Him, and missed the greatest opportunity in their lives.  

First, Mary a devout student of God’s Word and a godly woman was looking for Jesus. Matthew 1:18.

  • Mary listened to God. Luke 1:26-28 
  • Mary humbled herself before God said yes to God’s Grace.  Luke 1:29 
  • Mary surrendered to God’s will.  Luke 1:31-33
  • Mary served God joyfully Luke 1:38-45  

Second, Joseph a faithful and obedient follower of the Lord was looking for Jesus. Matthew 1:19

  • Joseph was full of compassion. Matthew 1:19
  • Joseph listened  to God. Matthew 1:20-24
  • Joseph stayed in touch with God. Matthew  2:13-19     
  • Joseph worked  hard to provide for his family. Matthew  2: 19   
  • Joseph gave his children lessons in living. Mark 6:3
  • Joseph lead his family in worship. Luke 2:41

Third, Herod the earthly minded was not looking for Jesus Matthew 2:1

Herod was to earthly minded to notice the significance of this event. King Herod – more concerned about his crown than his soul.

Fourth, the RELIGIOUS LEADERS were not looking for Jesus Matthew 2:4

The Religious Leaders were too SELF-RIGHTEOUS. They felt they were GOOD enough for God. Consequently God’s word isn’t for me here and now, it’s something for out there or something. So they knew about the texts but failed to notice the significance of this event. 

You see, GOD COMES TO THE LOST SEEKERS.  They knew it, but didn’t care enough to go five miles south of town and experience it. They pointed others to seek out the Savior but never went to worship themselves. Chief priests and religious leaders – knew prophets, but did not believe prophecy. The immediate reaction of the theologians of Herod’s court who knew the Scriptures well—was “in ‘Bethlehem”. What is amazing is that as they recited these words they showed the terrible condition that though they knew the Scriptures, they did not believe them!

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