Topic: Are You Trying to Fix Yourself? – Daily Grace Inspirations | Joseph Prince Devotional  3 October 2023

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Are You Trying to Fix Yourself?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”

Matthew 5:17 NIV

I can never emphasize this enough: Christianity is about having a relationship with a loving God. My friend, it is when you get a revelation of God’s desire to have a personal, loving relationship with you and how Jesus has forever made secure this relationship that real transformation from the inside out begins to happen to you.

Listen to how this revelation led fifty-year-old Jarvis, whose personal life was a daily struggle, to his breakthrough:

I have gone to church for as long as I can remember. I have run the sound at church for nine years, painted, cleaned, donated time, and done everything I was able to. I gave my 10 percent and more. I also sang praises, read books, and spoke in tongues. I did all this and yet was miserable. I lived in lack, had no confidence, and had no relationship with Jesus. I always wondered what was wrong with me.

My friends in church were like me too and we all acted as if life was wonderful when, in fact, it was the complete opposite. In the end, I was mentally and physically drained with all things concerning God. I read numerous books on how to fix ME. I prayed and had people pray for me but nothing changed! I thought that I had a problem and even wondered if I had a mental issue. I felt like the worst husband and father even though I love my wife and have the two greatest kids in the world.

Also Read: Open Heaven 3 October  2023  – BENEFITS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS I 

One day, just before going to bed, I discovered your television program. I saw only three minutes of preaching before your broadcast ended, but I heard enough to want to know more. I picked up my Kindle Fire and typed in “Joseph Prince.” I downloaded a free preview of one of your books, read one chapter, and bought the book.

I read three chapters that night and was SET FREE before I went to bed. I have never experienced anything like this in my entire life. “The law has been fulfilled by Christ . . .” Oh man, GLORY TO GOD! What a blessing this book has been.

My life is forever changed. I am back to reading the Word, worshipping with CDs, and praying in the Spirit. I’m in love with Jesus, I am on FIRE, and I am not a fake trying to impress others. I have an intimate relationship with Jesus that I didn’t know was possible and that has been the greatest blessing of all. I know my life will never be the same!

I pray you will discover, as Jarvis did, that the answer to your struggles does not lie in you trying to fix yourself. If you go down this route, you will never see an end in sight.

The truth is, because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, nothing you have or have not done can hijack or derail the loving relationship God wants you to have with Him. Let this truth sink into your heart and begin to enjoy a relationship with your heavenly Father where you can freely receive His love and grace for you.

All your fears, confusion, and struggles to receive from Him will come to an end. You won’t be struggling to love Him. Instead, your heart will be fired up with love for Him, and like Jarvis, you will know and see how your life will never be the same!

This devotional is taken from the book Reign in Life—90 Powerful Inspirations for Extraordinary Breakthroughs.


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