Topic: Assurance and Self-Examination [Tony Evans Devotional August 15 2019] -

Topic: Assurance and Self-Examination [Tony Evans Devotional August 15 2019]

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Assurance and Self-Examination

Scripture Reading: Romans 10:9-13

When you read 1 Corinthians 11:28-29, you must be careful not to misinterpret its meaning. One understanding of these verses is that as a believer you must examine yourself to be certain that you’re a Christian. But that’s not what this means. The misconstrued verse is one reminder of the importance of correctly interpreting the Scriptures.

Paul has presented the Corinthian church with his observation about communion, and in the second reference, he’s writing to people who were already Christians. Paul was urging the church at Corinth to examine themselves regularly to avoid God’s further judgment (1 Corinthians 11:32).

I don’t want you to ever doubt or be confused about the authenticity of your salvation. But as many as received Him, to them he gave the right to become children of God… (John 1:12).

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