Topic: Attention Getter #1: SHOW LOVE [David Jeremiah Ministry 3 July 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Attention Getter #1: SHOW LOVE

JULY 3, 2021

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you.
Matthew 5:44

 Recommended Reading: Matthew 5:43-48

When Todd Nettleton traveled to Ethiopia to interview victims of persecution, he was taken by a national evangelist to meet Pastor Haji, who serves in a dangerous area. Haji was glad to see his friend, the evangelist. Haji embraced the man and told Todd something surprising: “I used to beat him.” 

Before his conversion Haji led a radical Islamic group that attacked Christians, and he had beaten the Christian evangelist. In spite of the beatings, the evangelist didn’t lash out, show resentment, or run from danger. He displayed such love and concern for his attackers that he eventually led some to Christ—including Haji.[1]

Don’t meet hatred with hatred or insults with insults. Even those who are offensive to us need the love of Jesus. Ask God to use the Matthew 5:44 principle as an attention getter in your life to further the Gospel. They will know we are Christians by our love.

Lord, I choose to forgive this person, but I need Your help! Take from me the anger.… Enable me, with Your supernatural power, to love this person.
Todd Nettleton

[1]Todd Nettleton, When Faith Is Forbidden (Chicago: Moody, 2021), 24.


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Proverbs 12 – 17

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