Topic: ATTRACTING THE RIGHT PERSON FOR MARRIAGE (1)  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 26 January 2022

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SEPTEMBER 15, 2021


Dear Reader,

You are welcome to another interesting topic of this month’s teaching. Writing you the will of God concerning your life has been my uttermost joy and privilege from God. Therefore, I will be sharing with you a very interesting topic titled ‘Attracting the right person for Marriage’.

A good marriage or life partner is one of the favours God blesses His obedient children with. You may ask, ‘Does it mean some people do not get a good life partner?’ Yes, quite a number of people get married wrongly, so to them, marriage becomes an agonising experience. However, it is not God’s intention to be married wrongly. As long as the Lord is supreme in your life and you follow His guidelines laid out for you in His Word (the Bible), you will be able to make the right choice of a good life partner.

ALSO READ: Open Heaven 26 January 2022 –Topic: LET THERE BE LIGHT X 

However, one very important point to note if you want God’s best partner for you is to be the best person you can be. Remember, ‘If you want the best, you have to be the best’. The Word of God says, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7). Hardly will a well-cultured lady want to get married to a rude and ill-mannered man; neither will a man desire a dirty and rough lady for a wife. God always makes sure that one way or the other, His precious sons and daughters find the right persons, and He shields them from evil company. There is an adage that says, ‘Birds of the same feather flock together’. So, if you are a serious child of God serving the Lord sincerely and in truth, He will guide you. However, if your service to the Lord is lukewarm, you may not get the right partner. To want a partner means you need to be prepared for the new life you desire to get into. It is easy to be busy looking out for the right person, probably laying out specific qualities that person should possess, without considering whether you are in the right condition to be found by another person.

Therefore, the all-important step to attracting the right person in marriage is to make yourself as good as the type of person you desire. Think about someone who is looking for a partner and see if you constitute the right person to be sought after. If you desire a pastor as a partner, you must build yourself up in the things of God. If you desire a financial pillar for the church of Christ as a partner, you must build yourself up to be a worthy complement.

If you want to attract the right person, you must position yourself in God’s will, purge yourself of every impurity and exhibit the qualities you want in your partner.  I want you to know that good wives and good husbands do not just happen; they are made to happen. Husbands or wives are not born; they are made – not in marriage, but before marriage. Someone once said, ‘The key to success in marriage is not so much marrying the right person, but becoming the right person’. As you want men to do unto you, so do unto them (Matthew 7:12). Make yourself fit to be attracted; be the right person yourself. Do you know that God will only give good things to them that fear Him; He gives only good gifts (James 1:17). So, make yourself a good thing for God to give you the right partner you desire. Spend your single days cultivating a quality relationship with God, know God and let Him know you.

Below is a testimony that points what it takes to be fully prepared before marriage:

At the time I was ready for marriage, I was not a serious Christian, and I noticed some things were working against me. However, in 1992, when I dedicated my life fully to Jesus Christ, it became obvious that I lacked wisdom and counsel and was emotionally immature. All the same, I got married, and the Lord has been merciful.

Since I joined this church and through the different ministrations received, my life and marriage became meaningful, and I received direction. Now, my marriage is established, and I am free from all forms of oppression.  My family has increased remarkably. Now, I apply myself to the wisdom of God that has been imparted to me!’ – Opara C.C.N.

Marriage can be one of the sweetest experiences on earth and can also be a bitter pill, depending on how you go about it. The Lord designed marriage from inception to be a thrilling experience. A time filled with joyful events, new discoveries and the euphoria of companionship. After designing and creating the blueprint for a happy home, the Bible says, ‘God saw it and rated it as very good’ (Genesis 1:31). However, the natural man with his own rules and ideologies corrupted it, and it has led to the ‘bitter pill’ experience in marriages and families. This is one of the reasons you must prepare yourself for your marriage. As believers in Christ Jesus, we are not meant to be confronted with the bitter experiences some have in marriage. The Lord Jesus has provided in His Word guidelines that will help you triumph in any area of your life, including marriage, if you will just follow them.

However, God is all you need to have all your needs met. You need to acquaint yourself with God so that the good partner you desire will come your way.  The Word of God says, Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee (Job 22:21). If you are born again already but have not been close to God, you need to get used to Him and let Him get used to you. Also, if you are yet to give your life to Christ, do not miss this opportunity. Surrender your life to Him, and the good you are looking for shall come your way. Please say this prayer: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today; I am a sinner.  I cannot help myself.  Forgive me my sins, cleanse me with Your blood.  Deliver me from sin and satan to serve the living God.  I believe You died for me, and on the third day, You rose that I might be justified.  I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour.  Make me a child of God today.  Thank You for accepting me into Your kingdom. Congratulations, you are now born again and a child of God. He loves you and will never leave or forsake you. With this, you are guaranteed all-round rest and peace, in Jesus name! Call or write to share your testimonies with me through or 08141320204. For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian Bookstores, Making Marriage Work, Marriage Covenant, Building A Successful Home, and Success in Marriage (Co-

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