Topic: Awaiting the Final Day with Hope [David Wilkerson Devotional 19 February 2021] -

Topic: Awaiting the Final Day with Hope [David Wilkerson Devotional 19 February 2021]

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Awaiting the Final Day with Hope

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)February 19, 2021

Paul writes, “Holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain” (Philippians 2:16). Paul was picturing the day when he would stand in Christ’s presence and the secrets of redemption would be unveiled.

Scripture says that on that day our eyes will be opened, and we’ll behold the Lord’s glory without rebuke from him. Our hearts will be set on fire as he opens all the mysteries of the universe and shows us his power behind it. Suddenly, we’ll see the reality of all that had been available to us in our earthly trials: the power and resources of heaven, the protective angels, the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit.

Then Christ will show us the Father, and what an overwhelming moment that will be. As we behold the majesty of our heavenly Father, we’ll fully realize his love and care for us.

Here is why Paul “held forth” his word about God’s faithfulness. On that glorious day, he didn’t want to stand in the Lord’s presence thinking, “How could I have been so blind? Why didn’t I fully trust my Lord’s purposes? All my worries and questions were in vain.”

Paul then sums it up with the word: “But one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead” (Philippians 3:13). In short, he thought it was impossible to place his future into the Lord’s hands without first laying down his past.

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