Topic: Balance in All Things [Joyce Meyer Devotional 3 August 2020]

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And I will walk at liberty and at ease, for I have sought and inquired for [and desperately required] Your precepts.— Psalm 119:45 (AMPC)

It takes discipline to balance our lives. We need to be disciplined to pray, read and study the Word, and spend quality time with the Lord, but we also need to be disciplined to spend quality time with our family and to take care of our health. Jesus came so that we could have and enjoy our lives, so we should even discipline ourselves to rest and have fun (see John 10:10).

Take a look at your life today, and ask God for wisdom to do what’s needed to bring balance to the way you use your time. He wants your life to be full of joy. Psalm 23:2-3 teaches that He’ll lead you beside still and restful waters. He’s ready and waiting to refresh and restore your life, and to lead you in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Prayer Starter:Father, show me today how I can bless the people You’ve put in my path. Thank You for leading me and giving me the ability to serve and encourage others in the way they need it. In Jesus’ Name, amen

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