Topic: Be a Joseph [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 2 September 2021]

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Be a Joseph

Sep 02, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Genesis 45:15, NLTThen Joseph kissed each of his brothers and wept over them, and after that they began talking freely with him.

Today’s Word

Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery that led to thirteen years of immeasurable suffering, heartache, and pain. Yet after Joseph was made second in command of all Egypt, when those same brothers came before him asking for food, he didn’t say, “It’s payback time!” The reason God could promote Joseph to that level is because He could trust Joseph to handle the power correctly and be good to people who had not been good to him. Joseph wept, embraced, and kissed his brothers. He gave them food and land and took care of his entire family.

Give people the grace to change when they’ve done you wrong. Don’t judge their whole life on one season, one mistake. You don’t have to befriend them and allow them all access, but you need to get to the point where you’ve let go of the offense and you treat them with respect. Be a Joseph. Let God pay back the people who hurt you. You’re not the judge and jury. Leave it in God’s hands.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for the mercy and forgiveness and protection You have shown me when I’ve done wrong. Help me to do good and to bless those who have done me wrong. I am leaving them in Your hands and giving them the grace that allows for change. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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