Topic: BE A TITHER – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 15 February 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“And blessed be the most High God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.” Genesis 14:20 (KJV) One of the saddest things in the church is the level of selfishness that has crept into the church. Today, people are so quick to talk down on the church, particularly in the area of giving. I hear different arguments about giving, particularly tithes and I marvel at the various arguments that are put forth, all in a bid not to tithe.  Yesterday, I made a statement that I want you to keep in view not only this week, month or year but make it a philosophy you live by: You cannot love without giving. If you truly love someone, you will give to the person without the person asking. You will give joy-giving gifts, even when they are unsolicited. Why? Because you love the person.

If you say you love God, why is giving to Him a chore? Not just a chore, but a difficult chore? Many people are ruled by internet Pastors and social critics, all in a bid to evade tithe. I hear people say Jesus has fulfilled the law and tithing is of the law. If you are in this category, you are wrong. Tithing came before the law. In our text today, we see the origin of tithing. It was Abraham that first tithe and if you look at the entire scripture, you will not find anywhere that God mandated him to give a tithe. Abraham went to battle, conquered and realised that the victory was a result of the goodness of God and in appreciation of the victory, he gave tithes to the priest – Melchizedek. If you truly love God and you appreciate that it is God that gives the power to get wealth, you will give tithes without anyone asking you. Yes, tithe is not the key to heaven, but giving of a tithe is an acknowledgement of the goodness of God. I would to God that He will open your eyes to see the benefits of tithing. If you do, you will not only give 10%, you will gladly give 20, 30, 40, 50% knowing that no one ever beats God in giving.  Further Reading: Genesis 14:1-20Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Leviticus 17-18; Evening- Matthew 27:27-50

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