Topic: Be Assured of God’s Never Ending Guidance  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 2 August 2021

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Above Only Devotional
Monday, August 02

Be Assured of God’s Never Ending Guidance

Isaiah 30:18-21 (GNB)
…the LORD is waiting to be merciful to you. He is ready to take pity on you because he always does what is right. Happy are those who put their trust in the LORD. You people who live in Jerusalem will not weep any more. The LORD is compassionate, and when you cry to him for help, he will answer you. The Lord will make you go through hard times, but he himself will be there to teach you, and you will not have to search for him any more. If you wander off the road to the right or the left, you will hear his voice behind you saying, “Here is the road. Follow it.”

God does not leave you or stop leading and directing you simply because you are going through challenges. In fact, it is those times that He actually leads and guides you even more closely. When you make a mistake or fall into sin, God immediately goes to work, leading and guiding you back to the path of restoration and repentance. God will NEVER leave you nor forsake you (Heb.13:5). Beloved, NOTHING can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Rom.8:38-39). God will never deny you of His wisdom (James 1:5).

In our text above, you are assured that even when you go through challenges, God will be there to teach and guide you. Don’t allow what you are going through to weigh you down to the point that you cannot receive direction and guidance from God. Similarly, don’t allow the devil to deceive you into believing that God has left you or that God has stopped leading and directing you. One of the greatest things you need in trying times is the reassurance of God’s love for you. As you abide in the love of God, you will continue to receive that leading, the necessary guidance and assurance.

Your trials do not cause God to stop being your loving Shepherd. David encouraged himself by saying, “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and your staff comforts me.” Here, David was affirming that no matter how threatening a situation was, he will remain unafraid because he knew that God was with him and that God will continue to lead and guide him. The shepherd uses his rod and staff to lead and guide the sheep in the right path to go. In the same vein, God will lead and guide you by His Spirit and by His word. Study God’s word and expose yourself to Christ centered teachings from God’s word.

Dear Father, I open myself right now to your love and to your leading. Fill me with your wisdom, guide me and teach me the way to go and what to do.

Bible in One Year Reading Plan
2 Chronicles 32:1-33:13, Romans 15:23-16:9, Psalm 25:16-22, Proverbs 20:16-18

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