Topic: BE FOCUSED – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 2 January 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (KJV)   This year, you must be committed to yourself. Many times, believers start the year with a word and just a few days into the year, they allow the cares, challenges and stories around to distract them. You must take a decision that this will not be your story. Be committed to being focused this year. There will always be distractions but don’t give in to them. I have always said that distraction comes from looking around – when you look around, you see those who are facing challenges. You see the naysayers and you get caught up on activities that don’t add value to you. When you look around the world, you see wars, riots, economic woes and every negativity and you end up getting discouraged. But today, God is calling you to focus on Him. Looking unto Jesus – not man, not the media, not the government but Jesus. Take a cue from Him – He refused every distraction. He knew why He came into the world; He knew what the result of His death on the cross would be, so he turned His back on all forms of distraction. He endured the cross; He suffered the humiliation because He knew that after the cross came resurrection. What are your goals for this year? I am sure you wrote them down as last year was winding down. Don’t file them away, put them in front of you. Write down the word of God to you for this year, personalise it. Read it to yourself morning and evening every day of this year. Internalise it and you will see the result you are trusting Him for.

This year will not end without your testimony. I am expectant because the grace of God will perform it. God will do incredible things in quick succession in your life. When the miracles manifest, don’t forget to share your testimony. You can also email it to Further Reading: Hebrews 12:1-3Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen 4-7, Evening Mathew 2

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