Topic: BE GROUNDED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 9 January 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission] -

Topic: BE GROUNDED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 9 January 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee”.Isaiah 54:17 KJV This early in the year, I am emphasizing the truth about who you are because if you get it right, you will walk with your shoulder high and overcome the vicissitudes of life. God wants you to be grounded in who you are. When you become grounded, then you shall be far from oppression and you shall not fear. And terror shall not come near you. You will agree with me that there is a lot of terror today and a lot of wickedness, but the bible says minus you. You will be far from it! But it didn’t stop there. The Word also says: “Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.”(Isaiah 54:15 KJV).
Their part is to gather but they will eventually fall. In the board room, they will fall! In the marketplace, they will fall for your sake because God values you.  They shall fall for your sake because you are in Christ and Christ cannot be denied. Again, see the benefit of being grounded in righteousness. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD”(Isaiah 54:17 KJV)
God is announcing to you that He created all things. Even the very thing that the devil will use was created by God. If He doesn’t give it permission to function, it will never function. Altars that are being serviced cannot prosper against you.
But you must learn never to close your mouth. A closed mouth is a closed destiny. You must never fail to declare what God said concerning you in the face of every obstacle otherwise you will become a cheap victim in the hands of the devil.
Further Reading: Isaiah 54:10-17Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Gen 23, 24 / Evening- Matt. 7

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