Topic: BE POSITIONED FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 11 May 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:”

 1 Peter 2:2 (KJV)

Child of God, I desire that you grow spiritually and attain the heights that God has planned for you. But until you desire it and work towards it, nothing will happen. A newborn baby eats several times throughout the day. So, the Bible uses this analogy to paint a picture of how we, as believers, should desire the Word. It is only the Word that can help you grow. It is only the Word that can teach you to pray and to have faith. It is only the Word that can empower you to live a Godly life.

As we climax the age, evil will continue to increase. It is only the Word of God that will enable you to stand amid adversity. This is why we must not take any opportunity for spiritual growth for granted. Church services, programs, fellowship groups and ministry arms are all platforms for spiritual growth. They are avenues to build up your spirit. God has placed you in a ministry so that you can be impacted and in turn, impact your world. 

Another thing that will help you grow spiritually is to spend time with God in the place of prayers. Don’t wait until a general fast is called before you fast. Don’t be in the class of those who say we are under grace and so we don’t need fasting and prayer. Take time out to always pray. Learn to pray until something happens.

I pray for you that your heart will genuinely yearn and thirst for God and the water of His Word. I decree that your heart will be flooded with light from His Word. In every area of life, God is committed to blessing you. He will do for you what you cannot do for yourself. He will open your eyes to see the hidden treasure of secret places. He will fill your mouth with testimonies. You will surely, without fail, testify. Your miracle will not be aborted.

Further Reading: 2Timothy 2:15, James 1:21-25

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Kings 13-14; Evening- John 2

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