Topic: Be, Then Do [Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 OCTOBER 2020] -

Topic: Be, Then Do [Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 OCTOBER 2020]

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For in Him we live and move and have our being ….— Acts 17:28 (AMPC)

We tend to think that our existence is only justified when we’re doing something, but that’s not true—we’re created to be human beings, not human doings. God doesn’t love us more when we’re doing something than He does when we’re enjoying some peace and quiet. Our busyness might make us feel important, but it doesn’t make us more important to God.

Many people feel more valued and accepted when they’re working than at any other time. Some of that comes from the way they were raised, some of it from their personality or work ethic. Whatever the reason is, the result is the same: overworking and feeling constantly exhausted. Too much activity without any rest can damage your future and prevent you from enjoying the present, so I encourage you to ask God to help you be intentional to make time to breathe and receive His peace in your daily life.

Let’s thank God and live in the reality that He hasn’t created us just to do, but also to be.

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me to see how and when I can make time to rest and just be in Your presence. Thank You for loving me just as much when I rest as You do when I work. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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