Topic: Bear One Another’s Burdens [Joyce Meyer Devotional 9 May 2021] -

Topic: Bear One Another’s Burdens [Joyce Meyer Devotional 9 May 2021]

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Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.— Galatians 6:2 (ESV)

If you have ever had a heavy burden to carry in life, you know what a blessing it is to feel that someone cares about you and is willing to help you bear it.

When your soul is wounded, the enemy takes advantage of it in all kinds of ways, one of which is to try to get you overly self-focused. He wants you to think about all the things that are wrong with you and everything that is bad in your life. He will try to fill your mind with only three words: me, myself, and I.

One of the ways God heals the soul is by helping us get our minds off ourselves and onto what we can do for other people. In fact, thinking of others, helping and supporting them, are keys to healing and wholeness. We might say that helping others is the best way to help ourselves.

When we read the words, bear one another’s burdens, it can seem like a difficult and weighty thing to do. But if we ask God to lead us, He will help us realize there are many ways to help people who are carrying heavy loads in life and that helping bear their burdens does not have to become burdensome to us.

For example:

  • Do you know a single mother who struggles financially? Maybe you could give her a gift card to a restaurant, so she could take her children out to eat. Or maybe she would like a gift card for a massage or a manicure while you watch her children or pay a trustworthy babysitter.
  • Do you know someone who is caring for an elderly parent, day in and day out? Maybe you could give that person a break by offering to stay with the parent for several hours a week or by running errands. Perhaps the caregiver would also enjoy a free afternoon to just sit and read or have some quiet time to

spend with God.

  • Do you have a friend struggling with illness or recovering from a major operation? He or she might need transportation to doctors’ visits, treatments, or therapy. Some people who are unable to participate in daily life due to health problems also appreciate visits from people who can let them know

what is going on at church, at the office, or in the community.

Asking people what they need and what they would like to talk about can be a great blessing. Other simple ways to bear someone’s burden include taking time for a cup of coffee and offering a listening ear, praying for people, sharing encouraging truths from God’s Word, and other acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. Even one sentence such as, “I’m believing for God’s best for you!” can be very encouraging.

As you trust God to heal your soul, I hope you will also do whatever you can do to help others bear their burdens, and remember, every time you help someone else, you help yourself.

Prayer Starter: Lord, help me understand the importance of making myself available to help people with their difficulties in life, even if it means a sacrifice for me personally. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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