Topic: Being Accountable [David Jeremiah Ministry 12 January 2022 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Being Accountable

JANUARY 12, 2022

And because of all this, we make a sure covenant and write it; our leaders, our Levites, and our priests seal it.
Nehemiah 9:38

 Recommended Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:17

In 1776, 56 members of the (American) Second Continental Congress affixed their signatures to the Declaration of Independence. This was no mere formality. These men were choosing to publicly identify themselves, and their families and descendants, as being in favor of breaking away from Great Britain and forming a new nation. In doing so, they pledged “[their] Lives, [their] Fortunes, And [their] Sacred Honor”—and many paid a heavy price. Some lost their lives, most lost their fortunes, but none lost their sacred honor.

Signing one’s name to a public document means becoming accountable for what the document sets forth. When the leaders and Levites of Israel signed a “sure covenant” of allegiance to God after being restored from captivity in Babylon, they were aligning themselves publicly with God. They made commitments and promises and put them in writing; they made themselves accountable for their actions going forward.

Also Read: Open Heaven 12 January 2022  –Topic: LESSONS FROM ELISHA I 

Putting things in writing—on paper or by verbal declaration—is a serious act of allegiance. Every follower of Jesus, by confessing that Jesus is Lord, invites the world to judge his words by his actions.

A man has no time for which he is not accountable to God.
Thomas Wilson

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