Topic: BELIEVE WHAT THE FATHER CALLS YOU  – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 27 February 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“And lo a voice from heaven, saying, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17 (KJV)Before Jesus Christ went into ministry, the first thing the Father did was to establish His identity. Usually, you will commend somebody, approve of somebody or recommend somebody when he has done something good. You don’t recommend somebody who has just been employed because he has not served on the job. He has not been proven, so you can’t recommend a driver who has never driven: you cannot say he is a very good driver. How can he be a good driver! That is where the problem of the believer is. We want to have driven then we will be recommended. We want to have passed that examination then we will be recommended. It works in the natural like that, but when it comes to spiritual things, it works differently.  God is dealing with man differently.God is dealing with our spirit. Man is a spirit! He lives inside the body and has a soul. Your real self is a spirit! The body is not you. No matter how much you exercise the body, no matter how much you make it up and no matter how much you try to inject some things in different parts of your body, in the end, it is going to go to the dust.When Jesus came out the water, the Father said:  my Son you are going into the Battle of life, but before you go in, have this understanding:  you are my Son.  I decided to approve of you as my Son. The approval didn’t come because you did anything right or wrong. It came because I choose to. Jesus believed the Word of His Father implicitly. No doubt whatsoever in His heart. The next thing, he was led by the spirit into the wilderness.  And what did devil do? The first thing he said is: If you are truly the son of God……!  He removed the beloved because the beloved added to the qualification. The ’beloved’ there shows that you are His love child. And Jesus didn’t need to prove anything to the devil because He already knew who He was.You are God’s beloved! Heaven reckons with you!  Heaven treasures you. Heaven has given you dignity. You cannot but win in the battle of life.Further Reading: Matthew 3:16-17, 4:1-11

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Numbers 15-16; Evening- Mark 6:1-29

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