Topic: Burning Brightly for God – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 9 January 2021] -

Topic: Burning Brightly for God – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 9 January 2021]

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Burning Brightly for God


“And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush.” (Exodus 3:2)


Major Ian Thomas has imagined Moses saying something like this when he encountered God in the burning bush: “Would you look at that bush? It just keeps on burning for God. I wish my life could burn for God like that and keep on burning.” Then, Major Thomas imagined God replying, “Moses, you think this bush is so wonderful? Do you see that bush over there? I could do the same thing with it. Moses, it’s not the bush—it’s God in the bush. Any old bush will do.”

It’s not you! It’s not me! We are only the vessels of God’s anointing. As you surrender yourself to God today, He will fill you and use you for His glory.


Surrender yourself to God today. And as you do, He will use you. Allow His flame to burn brightly for all to see.

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