Topic: CHARACTER(2) 1 October 2021 By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] -

Topic:   CHARACTER(2) 1 October 2021 By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel]

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Dear Reader,

You are most welcome to the second edition of this series. I hope you have been putting into practice all you have learnt in the first edition. Remember I said that a godly character is fundamental to your future. The Bible says, If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do (Psalm 11:3)?Please be aware that if you exhibit good character, you are the one to benefit because it brings blessings, advancement and promotion. I pray that your destiny will not be truncated for lack of character in Jesus name! However, you must rise to your responsibility and build your character. Therefore, we shall be focusing on: ‘Attributes of a Godly Character’. There are high standing qualities you must possess to be outstanding in life, and these qualities are non-negotiable if you want to go far in life. Let us consider some of them:

  • Discipline: As someone rightly said, ‘Discipline is giving yourself a command and following it up with action’. It is the ability to control oneself, and if you cannot control your life, you can never be in control in life. Discipline affects all areas of your life, from punctuality to your attitude and accountability. The Bible says, All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any (1 Corinthians 6:12). Some areas in life that you have to exercise discipline include:
  • Appearance: Do not be vulgar or wild in your dressing. Be cool! It is the way you are dressed that you will be addressed. As it is written, Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). 
  • Time: If you have no respect for time, you will surely lose respect in life. Therefore, as a student, be punctual to class and as a worker, arrive at your office right on time. Do not be tagged the perpetual latecomer, and do not waste your time on things that do not matter. Spend your time judiciously investing in your future. Time is life, it does not wait for any man, and it cannot be stored. One proof that you are disciplined with time is that you will always be on time. Grace to invest your time wisely is released upon you from this day forward, in Jesus name!
  • Money: If you cannot handle money while you are still single, chances are that it will be much more difficult in life when responsibilities start calling for your attention. Many youths have allowed money to control their lives, so much so that their joy is dependent upon it. They are happy when there is money, but they are sad; they complain and murmur when they are broke. Never let money control your life, spend wisely and do not be a waster.
  • Sleep: Although this is a requirement for living, you have to be disciplined to handle it well. One proof that you are disciplined in this area is that you gain more time. There is time for everything in life. Do not be found sleeping when you are supposed to be working. Do not be found sleeping in a Church service or during lectures. Tame sleep and you will enjoy a great future.
  • Appetite: Be disciplined in your eating, do not just eat anything anywhere and at any time. Set time aside to seek God’s face in a fast. If you cannot fast while single, is it when you are old you will start learning it?
  • Honesty: This is a valuable trait in a world that is filled with false promises. Honesty is a state of truthfulness. Let your yea be yea and nay be nay; honest people earn respect. The opposite of honesty is deception or lying. Lying is bad whether you are deceiving others or yourself.  An honest man tells the truth; he is straightforward and does not cheat. Your throne in life is waiting for you, but it takes honesty to ascend it. The Bible says, Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another (Ephesians 4:25). For instance, anyone who cheats in an examination has no regard for character building. You may think, at least it does not hurt anyone, but you must recognise that any act of dishonesty is sin and definitely not okay with God and your destiny. Therefore, choose today to live an honest life.

However, the first important step to building a godly character is to accept Jesus into your life. He alone can make all the difference in the decisions you are required to make. If you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, please say this prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You today as a sinner. I believe You died for my sins and rose on the third day.  Forgive me of my sins. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today.

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