Topic: Child Evangelism [David Jeremiah Ministry 29 July 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Child Evangelism

JULY 29, 2020

Let the little children come to Me.
Matthew 19:14

 Recommended Reading: Matthew 19:13-15

In Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day, a book about Child Evangelism Fellowship, Joni Sobels shares how she found Christ:

“A neighbor lady had a sign in her window that said, ‘Good News Club.’ I went to Mrs. Canzone’s house, sat in her living room, and listened to the story of Jesus. I ran home, locked the bathroom door, and asked Jesus to be my Savior. My parents said to write to my grandmother and she could explain more about Jesus to me. That started a tradition of writing a letter to my grandmother every Monday, which I did until her death. My grandmother taught me to pray and to trust God’s care.”

Joni continued, “I needed those lessons years later when my husband was killed in a wreck on Christmas Eve. From the moment I opened my eyes, strapped to a stretcher beside the road, I remembered what I’d learned in the Good News Club and from my grandmother. Jesus would never leave me or forsake me.”

Children can hear, understand, and receive the Gospel if we will share it with them!

As children receive Jesus Christ as their Savior, it changes the direction of their lives for good, and it can save them from a lifetime of personal emptiness.

Reese Kauffman, Child Evangelism Fellowship


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Isaiah 50-52

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