Topic: Children Love Mother’s Companionship [Ellen G. White  Devotional 12 July 2020]

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Family Companionship

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Proverbs 31:28.

The home should be to the children the most attractive place in the world, and the mother’s presence should be its greatest attraction. Children have sensitive, loving natures. They are easily pleased and easily made unhappy….

Young children love companionship, and can seldom enjoy themselves alone. They yearn for sympathy and tenderness. That which they enjoy, they think will please mother also….

Instead of sending her children from her, that she may not be annoyed by their noise or troubled by their little wants, let the mother plan amusement or light work to employ the active hands and minds. By entering into their feelings and directing their amusements and employments, the mother will gain the confidence of her children…. By patient, watchful love she can turn the minds of the children in the right direction, cultivating in them beautiful and attractive traits of character.

Mothers should guard against training their children to be dependent and self-absorbed. Never lead them to think that they are the center, and that everything must revolve around them. Some parents give much time and attention to amusing their children, but children should be trained to amuse themselves, to exercise their own ingenuity and skill. Thus they will learn to be content with very simple pleasures. They should be taught to bear bravely their little disappointments and trials…. Study to suggest ways by which the children may learn to be thoughtful for others.

In the Word of God we find a beautiful description of a happy home and the woman who presides over it: “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her


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