Topic: Choice Overload [Joyce Meyer Devotional 25 November 2021] -

Topic: Choice Overload [Joyce Meyer Devotional 25 November 2021]

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Choice Overload

I recently read that the average supermarket carries 48,750 items. I think that is choice overload. Most people would say that life is stressful these days, and I believe one of the reasons why is that we have so many choices in most things that it causes confusion, and we may end up making no decision at all. What to watch on TV?

There are so many choices. What to wear? There are so many clothes in our closets that we become confused about which outfit to put on. I want to encourage you to pray, asking God for guidance, and then believe you have it and make a decision. Don’t let the choices available to you become a stressor in your life!

Also Read: Open Heaven 25 November 2021 –Topic: STAND UP AGAINST EVIL 

Simplifying your life is one of the best ways to remain peaceful!

Prayer Starter: God, I’m asking you to give me wisdom to make good choices, amen!

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