Topic: CHOOSE LIFE – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 14 April 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV
Our text is very clear! It lets us know that we have a choice to make. Whatever we choose is what heaven will say yes to. This is because God respects our choice. God says to us that He has set before us life and death. He then tells us which one to choose because He knows what is best for us. He says choose life so that you and your seed may live. Choosing life here speaks of choosing to go God’s way no matter what. Choosing life also speaks of deciding to apply the teachings you have been receiving from the Word of God. Choosing Life means choosing to re-examine your values and ensuring that these values align with the Word of God.
Choose life means I choose not to continue in mediocrity. I will make the adjustments necessary, no matter the cost, to make a formidable impact. This is what it means to choose life.
Beloved, as long as you live, never forget that God respects your choice. Knowing this truth will serve as a guide even as you live your life and make decisions. God will never impose His will on any man. His Word is available to show us how to live. And He has also given us teachers, apostles, preachers, evangelists and pastors to equip us with the right tools (Ephesians 4:11-12). The best decision anyone can make is to choose life
Even as you choose life today, I declare the blessing of obedience over your life. Everything about you is blessed. The blessing of God will overtake your life and family. It is my prayer that all God has packaged for you will be made manifest. You shall fulfil your purpose. You shall arrive at God’s ordained destiny for your life. Nothing will cut you short. You will impact your world for the kingdom of God. You will enjoy His goodness, favour, mercy, wisdom every day of the year.
 Further Reading: Deuteronomy 30:19-20; Joshua 24:1-25Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Samuel 25-26; Evening- Luke 12:32-59

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