Topic: CHOOSE TO BE DIFFERENT (2)  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 3 July   2022

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Dear Reader,

Welcome to the concluding part of this teaching. In the last edition, I revealed the importance of standing out in life. This week, I will be examining some areas in which you need to make those choices.

The following are areas you must consider if you choose to stand out for Christ:

Choose to Obey and Serve God:The Bible saysAnd it shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the lord thy God to Observe and to do all his commandment which I command thee this day (Deuteronomy 28:1). God’s commandment is outlined in His Word, and the Bible is the manual by which we should live our lives. You have to be committed to the study of God’s Word daily, and obeying His Word will make a star out of anyone. The story of Joseph is a good example of obedience to God. He did what was right, and the praise or reward was not immediate, but in the end, he was honoured by God and justified in the sight of men for taking a stand to do right even when it was not convenient or pleasurable. Some people may even make jest of you and call you different names, but in the end, it will always pay off. Obeying God will command His blessings upon you. David is also another young man who obeyed and trusted God, and he ended up doing great things for God. After his victory over Goliath, he ended up a star (1 Samuel 18:6). The teenage years are a period to be committed to obeying and serving God. The Word says: Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth… (Ecclesiastes 12:1). As a young man, David delighted in the things of God, and this is one of his secrets. He said: I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord (Psalms 122:1).

Choose to Live Righteous: The Bible says: Righteousness exalted a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34). Let us consider certain keywords used in the above scripture. Exalt means to think or speak very highly of someone or something. To raise to a higher rank or position. Reproach means disgrace or shame. Therefore, living a righteous or holy life will take you to places and put you in positions you can never imagine. Choose to live for God, let sin be far away from you and watch as God keeps lifting you.

Also Read: Open Heaven 3 July   2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye –Topic: TO DO AND TO TEACH 

  •  Choose Right Company: The Bible says: Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners (1 Corinthians 15:33). The company you choose to keep today will determine what accompanies you and how far you go in life. It will either make or mar your destiny. Associating with godly people is very important because the Bible says that walking with the wise will make you wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed (Proverbs 13:20). Who are your companions? Are they people who have the mind of Christ and are committed to obeying God? Or are they people who will discourage your service to God and advise you to sin against God like Jonadab advised Amnon in (1 Samuel 13:3)? Watch it! Two cannot walk together unless they agree (Amos 3:3). Birds of the same feather flock together. If your closest friend is a liar, gossiper, or one that wallows in fornication, soon you will become the same. So, beware of the wrong company!
  • Choose What you Read/See. The society today has become so polluted with all kinds of un-edifying materials. Pornographic pictures are all over the place, and social media has also contributed to this. Most young people have become enslaved with vices-homosexuality, robbery etc., simply because of what they see and read. You must be mindful of those movies you watch, music you listen to and books you read. If you have any of these materials, gather them and burn them because if you do not destroy them today, they may end up destroying your future. Remember, Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2a) NIV.

However, until you are born again, you cannot choose to be different in all these areas. You get born again by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. If you are set for this, please say this prayer: Dear Lord, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Now, I know I am born again!


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