Topic: Choose Your Fountain [Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 OCTOBER 2020]

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[For being as he is] a man of two minds (hesitating, dubious, irresolute), [he is] unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything [he thinks, feels, decides].— James 1:8 (AMPC)

You and I have two huge vats of information within us. One is carnal information that comes off the top of our head. The other is spiritual information (truth) which wells up out of our hearts. One is like muddy, polluted water, and the other is like pure, clean drinking water. It’s up to us to decide which source we’re going to drink from. Some people try to drink from both sources—which is what the Bible calls being double-minded—and it only leads to confusion and discouragement.

Do you know what it looks like to be double-minded? It means that your mind is trying to tell you one thing, but your spirit is trying to tell you just the opposite. Instead of saying, “I’m not going to believe that because it’s a lie,” you get caught in a crossfire, going back and forth between the two thoughts.

If you and I are ever going to live the happy, victorious, and successful Christian life Jesus wants for us, we’re going to have to decide which fountain of information we’re going to drink from. We are going to have to learn to draw from the well of our spirit and not out of our own reasoning. When we do this, life is so much better, and we can actually move forward in our walk with God!

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me develop the habit of drawing from Your Spirit in me instead of my old ways of thinking. Thank You for renewing my mind today! In Jesus’ name, amen

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