Topic: Choosing Not to Complain [Joyce Meyer Devotional 4 April 2021]

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Do all things without grumbling and faultfinding and complaining….— Philippians 2:14 (AMPC)

Last night I was lying in bed and suddenly I felt an overwhelming need to repent for any complaining I had ever done in my life. I was watching a movie in which the main character had experienced a great tragedy and endured tremendous difficulty and yet he was maintaining a good attitude.

We often complain and murmur about minor inconveniences and difficulties that, in reality, are nothing compared to what some people endure. I am leaving in a few days for a mission trip to Africa, and I already know that I will see unimaginable suffering and deprivation. It is always good for me to go on these trips just to remind me of how blessed I am and to renew my determination to live my life to help others.

Do you complain about things that are not that important in the larger scope of life? Are you, in reality, extremely blessed but have fallen into a trap of focusing on what you don’t have instead of what you do have? I know I do at times, and I was grateful for the reminder from the Lord to be thankful in all things (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18) and realize that complaining is evil in His ears. Let us be committed to thank God throughout each day of our lives and voice that thankfulness to Him.

Prayer Starter: Father, please forgive me for any, and all, complaining I have ever done in my life and help me realize how good You are to me. I want to be extremely thankful for all the blessings You give me. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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