Topic: Choosing to be Fearless: Day 3, Proclaiming – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 8 April 2020

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Choosing to be Fearless: Day 3, Proclaiming

April 8, 2020 by Deb Graham

My lovely wife and partner in life and ministry, Deb, has written this devotional in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  I hope it blesses you as much as it has me.


My neighbors all know Deuce! This mild-tempered beagle, part of a brother duo team, has proclaimed himself to everyone who comes within a block of me while we’re out for a walk. The funny thing is that of the beagle boys, Deuce is the lover. He is a kisser and cuddler. But once in the harness, he demonstrates his gift of proclamation. Last evening, a sweet couple with a large dog caught his eye. Loud howling and barking set forth. He was fearless!

It made me think of how I could learn a lesson from this beagle boy – we are to be on the lookout. Never have we had an opportunity like this to witness to the young man at the take-out window or the woman at the grocery checkout. So today, choose to be fearless – put on your harness of faith and proclaim the Gospel freely and openly. Our world needs this message.

My prayer and Scripture for you today is:

Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the people. —Psalm 96:3

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