Topic: Choosing to Believe [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 11 May 2021] -

Topic: Choosing to Believe [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 11 May 2021]

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Choosing to Believe

John 3:1-21

Salvation isn’t something we can claim because we were born to believing parents or have attended church. Jesus warned that many would call Him Lord without actually belonging to Him (Matt. 7:22-23). To become a genuine believer in Jesus Christ, we need the following:

• An understanding of the gospel. In order to believe and receive the good news of Jesus Christ, a person must have an understanding of his or her hopeless, sinful condition. It’s also necessary to recognize Jesus’ death on the cross as the sufficient sacrifice required to remove all sins.

• A definite turning point. When someone understands the gospel, he or she will turn from sin in repentance and toward God in faith and obedience.

• A changed life. Changing direction from our old fleshly lifestyle makes way for new life in Christ. Believers have a changed heart, and the sins we once loved, we now hate.

By grace, God’s salvation is offered to all who will believe and receive it through faith. Those who follow Jesus don’t often trudge through the practices of religion out of habit. Instead, their worship and joy are a vibrant response to the personal relationship they have with the Lord.

Bible in One Year: 2 Chronicles 1-4

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