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Dearly beloved, many Pastors’ are 95% responsible for why many Christians are mad to possess this world and not interested whether their souls are lost or saved. You may say how? Every chapter of this book is all talking about the effects of money inside the Church why it is a god inside the Church. This changing and technological world we are in ought not to change our godliness into worldliness. But it is rapidly changing it. I told some brethren in one Sunday school class that no Pastor in this world is my model that my model are Biblical examples of the Old and New Testament ministers of God who serve God and live their lives in purities and total sanctification from this world and its style. Many of them never understand me, because it was only between me and my God and the reasons are simple. Many ministers of God are molding the Church to suit the worldly style in order to attract populations not for anything but to get large amount of money for their personal interests, to fulfill their materials lusts and comfort of the flesh. Pastors’ all over the world are imitating themselves and are challenging themselves.

The Church is no longer about Christ in this present world, and it is all now about the founders of denominations and their personalities. Yet they (all denominations) say that their Church is the Church of God. Money ruling over the Church of Christ is a result of the contentions and imitations among Churches, the founders of denominations and Pastors’ trying to impress the world and outdo others. In the later part of the nineteenth century, money became obvious for all eyes to see and in the early part of the twenty century one can clearly see why money is a god in the Church. Money generated by Pastors’ from God’s flocks to do their own services were used for living a flamboyant life by many Pastors’. Through fair speeches they were winning many hearts for themselves not God and were raking gold and silver into their accounts through man-made money tithe and offerings. They graduated into wearing costly shoes and suits and some started perming and curling their hairs. Pastor jerry curl becomes exciting to see. After that they graduated into buying expensive cars for showing off to other Pastors’ to see how they are becoming rich and richer. Building of castles and mansions, universities and hospitals soon followed and after that buying of private jets becomes the desires of many Pastors’.

Almost every Pastor is striving to be seen in cables and heard in radio, and it looks to some people they are zealous for God, but that is a big lie but a means by which they are marketing their ministries and themselves and also blinding people’s eyes and hearts from not discerning the falsehood of their hearts and uncanny appetite for money. But Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7:20, “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Know who? The hypocrites, the wolves in sheep clothing, Satan appearing as angel of light, the filthy lucre’s preachers, the slow bellies, the evil beasts, the magicians, soothsayers, the future tellers, the mind-readers, the diviners, have turned themselves into Pastors’. The mind-readers tell people their problems and history and people run after them to know more about their lives, but they do this by carrying the Bible and building Churches to solve people temporary problems to win their hearts for themselves. Many Pastors’ have started striving for worldly glories, honours, and recognitions of men and religion leaders are thrilling them by titles which have no spiritual significance but just to give them a worldly personality and many Pastors’ love it so. Titles from religion leaders give many Pastors’ worldly recognitions and honour and with their titles they are seducing the world to their Churches.

They follow up these things with building of schools, hospitals, universities, and enterprises, making money for themselves and their families. And none of their Church members goes to their hospitals, schools, and universities for free or even lesser amount of money. Yet they will say they are doing God’s work, in which they are making money for their personal interests using God’s flocks to generate the revenue they needed to build and buy anything. Most sorrowful is that all Church members are drain financially for what they called God’s works which their children or their wives are going to inherit. Take for instance, after the death of late Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa, his wife take over not because she is the will or chosen one God would have put there but she is there for the financial flow to continue in their family. And this same thing has now happen to TB Joshua’s church, his wife has chosen to become their New General.Overseer. It is not the Lord’s doing but man-made because of money. Every gain they are making with Christ flocks will be circulating in their family circle only. Money is just what eighty percent of Pastors’ worldwide are looking for using God’s work is the subtle weapon to deceive the hearts of the simple who are consumed in sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Not only are they building and buying things but they have made it a tradition for the upcoming Pastors’ to follow suit and some will want to outdo their predecessors. But presently as at the time of writing this book, buying of jets was for the bigger Pastors’ with more than fifty thousand capacity Churches, small and smaller Pastors’ cars, houses, and academic degree is what many of them are seeking for and many want to be called doctors and some are publishing their academic achievements in their messages and cable stations, you can see all these there.

You will see things like, apostle this and that, Archbishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. this and that, Pastor this and that, and Bishops this and that. All these titles and achievements are many Pastors’ lusts and earthly ambitions and many have obtained them by using God’s flocks as their money generating machines. Many Pastors’ are laying treasures for their first to the sixth generations yet to be born, and their banks accounts are soaring higher like never as the eagle soar higher upon the wind. They are eating fat and clothing themselves in wool, the poor in the Church are getting poorer, diffused, distracted, and scattered seeking for refuge (See Ezekiel 34:1-10). Many Pastors’ love for the things of this world is making them preaching about success, prosperity, and blessing as their messages everywhere giving people false hope. People eternal destinies are at stake but many Pastors’ don’t care. And some of them will say, you should work out your salvation yourself. Why are they Pastors’ if people are to do it themselves? Some of them have ungodly excuses to defend themselves for the failure and ignorance of many Christians, but they can’t mock God. They love worldly things such as materials, fames, and honours, more than Jesus Christ, their personal interests is their priority not God’s flocks, and feeding themselves is their priorities not God’s flocks.

Jesus Christ asked Peter thrice, “Lovest me more than these?” More than what, Lord? Your personal interests, your comfort, and love and desires for worldly materials, honours, riches, and worldly recognitions. And Peter answered yes three times Jesus Christ asked him these questions (See John 21:15-18). Jesus Christ said, “Money have made them servants of their bellies not of My Father, they love themselves and their families more than my flocks, and many of them shall not enter into my rest. I called some to speak the truth but they have followed their lusts and love money than my word and my flocks. I will gathered my lost sheep and make them lie down in green pasture. And will make many Pastors’ ashamed of the revenue they are collecting from my sheep and money shall not rule over my true Church.” Jesus Christ wept, saying, “My words have fallen into deaf hears because of money. Many of My servants have preferred money than me and my sheep, they are laying treasures for themselves from money generated using my flocks. All their treasures they lay shall not remain. Many of them (Pastors’) are worldly examples to my flocks not godly examples.” He said, “Many Pastors’ are having their consolations from the money they are generating from my flocks. They are rewarding themselves and I have nothing more to give them, save only those truly doing My Father’s will.” Money love and talk have flooded the whole world and the Church is not an exemption.

Jesus Christ said, “I did not die to give mansions and castles to my people on earth, but to save them from eternal damnation so that they can share with me all glories My Father has given me. My people’s eternal destinies, is My Father utmost priority, but only few of my servants know this truth. I did not die to give anybody material hope or comfort in this world, but all these and beyond have I prepared in Heaven for my people (cited John 14:1).” He said, “No treasure here on earth they (His people and servants, even any man) laboured for will remain. I told them not to lay treasures for themselves here on earth (citing Matthew 6:19), but my words have fallen into deaf ears because of money some of my servants have become lords and idols to my flocks and many of my flocks are idolizing them. They have neglected my sheep feeding themselves, but I will recompense them according to their works.” Jesus Christ said, “My sheep, many of the poor among them doesn’t believe I love and care for them because many of my servants are not showing them mercy (love and care) as My Father want. My servants are now served by those who they should serve and they are serving my sheep in words not in deeds. My counsel is not the delight of their hearts and they don’t hearken unto me (cited Jeremiah 6:10).”

The love of money will cause many Pastors’ their eternal damnations, little things will make Christ reject many Pastors’ who the world believe and highly esteemed as ones that have done great works for God. Jesus Christ said, “If they let the things of this world over take them from my love, at last, they may hear me saying, depart from Me, I know you not.” He referred me to Matthew 7:21-23. Satan has been using many things of this world to overtake many from Christ love and he is still doing so, but Jesus Christ said of His elected ones, “They shall never perish and no man shall pluck them out of my hand.” He showed me John 10:27-29, where it was written. I am not begging anybody to believe me of what Jesus Christ told me, He told me that my priority is to tell people the truth of what He has told me, not me trying to make them believe, that is not my work He sent me. As for many people both Christians and Pastors’ in this world, their ending up in eternal glorious home that Jesus Christ has prepared for them is never their priority, and their problem is because they are looking to their works and they are not sure within them because of their own works. But all those who are looking to the wonderful things the blood of Jesus Christ has done, is doing, and will do in our lives till the day of rapture, have their confidence in the blood of Jesus Christ not their work and they have assurance of ending in heaven.

If anybody thinks he or she is immune from condemnation or being cast away by God because you have been Pastor for one thousand year and have preach the gospel round the whole world, and these will make God not touch you if you despise His Word, see you have been deceived by the devil. The scripture told us in Romans 2:11, “For there is no respect of persons with God.” God can never pervert judgment because of any man, no matter your closeness to Him. Jesus Christ told me in Hell, “If you refused to live the life I told you to live, you may end up in this place.” That word cloth me with His garment of humility and I can never think myself to be this and that nor better than anybody nor glory in anything but only in tribulations. Christ Word has fallen into deaf ears and God said in Proverbs 1:24-28, “Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me.”

Dearly beloved, if we fail to keep the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ we hear and fail to do them, after death if we call upon Him He won’t answer and if we seek His face we won’t find Him. Don’t let your ear and heart relject the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ if He is your Saviour. Many Pastors are standing between death and life because of the man-made money tithe and offering Emperor Constantine brought into Christ church and many Pastors have be damned because of money and many will still follow. Because of the love of money the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ has fallen into deaf ears. Is your ear among those deaf ears rejecting Jesus Christ Word? The glories of obedient to God’s Word are indescribable even so is the destruction of disobedient to His Word. Money is a god in the church is something many Pastors will not want to hear because their darkness is revealed in this book by the Lord Jesus Christ. They have turned Christ flocks through man-made money tithe and offerings into their money generating machines and are falsely defending it with Malachi 3:8-10. If we are paying the same tithe Prophet Malachi was talking about by reminding the Israelites of their covenant with God that is made up of blessings and curses for obedience and disobedience (See Exodus 24:6-7; Deuteronomy 27; 28; Nehemiah 13:10-12). It is only then Christians can be referred to Malachi 3:8-10, but we are not, but paying man-made money tithe and fooling ourselves with Malachi 3:10. The love of money and personal interests are the reasons why many Pastors are not rightly dividing the Word of truth (See 2Timothy 2:15), and they are handling the Word of God deceitfully (See 2Corinthians 4:2), telling lies, quoting the scriptures out of purpose and context, and substituting one dispensation for another to falsely defend their lusts. Money is a god in the church, open your deaf ears to hear the Word of Jesus Christ, your disobedience to God means His Word has fallen into deaf ears. Don’t lay treasure on earth Pastors and Christians, Emperor Constantine created money tithe has led uncountable Pastors to the belly of death and Hell.

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have it. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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