Topic: CHRISTIANITY IS A FAITH WITH REWARD  – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 1 March 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38 (KJV)  Yesterday, we looked at tithing. But tithing is only an aspect of giving. Beyond tithe, God expects you to be a cheerful giver of your resources. One thing you need to understand is the power of money. If you can conquer money, you have indeed conquered. If you can get to the point where you can hear God in giving, there is no area of your life that the power of God will not transform. Why the emphasis on money? Might be your question. Let me ask you this: why is it that the only thing God compared with himself is money? Think about it. He did not say: you cannot serve God and husband, wife, children health, properties etc. But He said,

“You cannot serve God and mammon (money)” (Matt. 6:24). That is because money is a spirit and it is one thing that can hold you down. God knows the power of money and that is why I say if you conquer that selfish spirit that reasons with you not to give, then there is no area that the devil can successfully chain you. When I talk about giving, it is not just giving your offering, it also includes giving to the poor. The Bible says he that gives to the poor lends unto the Lord and like you rightly know, God is not a debtor. Earlier I talked about serving God with your talent, it is all a part of giving. Beloved, I can tell you from personal experience that you cannot out-give God. In the beginning, it looks as if it is a waste, but as you stay consistent in giving, very soon, your harvest will overtake your sowing. I have experienced it and I know that the same God will do much more for you because it is a principle. Further reading: Luke 6:27-49Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Leviticus 19-20; Evening- Matthew 27:51-66

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