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Dearly beloved, I know many Christians reading this book will say it is a lie and that it is not true, because they have eyes but don’t see and have ears but don’t hear, have hearts but don’t understand (See Isaiah 42:20). Jesus Christ said, among the things even the virulent ones money is doing in the Church is that, it is causing many of His servants to err and whore using His name, word, and work to devour His children. He said they have turned His flocks into money generating machines to achieve their personal interests which they set above Him and His flocks. Jesus Christ said, for the sake of personal interest not to overshadow His love in Peter’s life, He asked him if he love Him more than the things of this world even his profession which was fishing (cited John 21:15-18). He said Peter has proven his love for Him in words and in deeds physically and spiritually (See Acts 2:14-47; 3:12-26; 4:1-36). He said many people are Pastors’ today not because He called them, but because they have set their hearts on what they are going to get from the Church and His flocks. He said the Church is business center, pastoring is now a professional career, and He revealed what many Pastors’ are assuming. Jesus Christ said those going into Pastoral colleges to be train to become Pastors’ are on the religion side and many of them know Him from religion not from revelation (knowing Him in their hearts). But for those He has ordained to be Pastors’ have better knowledge and understanding of Him without going to Pastoral colleges. People are taught the precept of men in Pastoral colleges rather than His doctrine.

Going to that college doesn’t make many know Him in the spirit but rather as a doctrinal position, and that is of the flesh. There they are taught their denominational doctrines instead of His doctrines. Many people have resorted to become Pastors’ to find a means of livelihood (from the collection of man-made money tithes and offerings) not because He has called them, but their thoughts are concealed from men and religion make many believe they are working for Him and helping Him but that is far from Him and their assumption of such thought put them in darkness not light. He said many Pastors’ set money in their hearts above Him, but their congregation will never ever know this truth, but esteeming them and believing them to be His true servants, but He don’t know them as His servants as people believe them to be. And many Pastors’ will not be raptured because of their love for money, the truth they don’t preach, teach and speak, and also because of their unfaithfulness to Him in services, that is, not wholly devoted and dedicated but divided in their hearts (doing other business to their Pastors’ work). Many Pastors’ set their hearts on many earthly things they want to achieve and His flocks are their money generators they are going to use to achieve their lusts. He speaks about Matthew 6:19, how His Words have fallen into deaf ears because of money and I will tell you about this in chapter sixteen. He said, people believe that if they have money that their problems are gone, than believing in Him to solve their problems.

He said money thoughts and love have filled the hearts of many Christians and Pastors’ than His presence and Word. Jesus Christ said, many people pray to God for money than any other thing of this world. And the Church is relying on money to preach, pray, and teach, doing this and that has made many things of God become lowly esteem that people overlook them having no delight in them but doing them for conscience and religion sake. The Church reliance on money has made many Christians lost their holy curiosity of inquiry. And this He described as a great limitation why many may never seeks Him nor knows Him till they die, though they are Christians but they only see Him just as a doctrinal figure only, but do not know Him in their hearts, thoughts, words, actions and deeds. He said, Churches trying to serve people His Word by every available technology or means only make people lowly esteem His Word and it kill their holy curiosity of inquiry, many people don’t have holy curiosity for His Word because technology makes it so cheap and common to them. The Church is relying on money to preach or teach His flocks the Word of God, and that will make the future life of the Church a complex one till He return. He said, money has quenched His desire in many people’s hearts, the Church demanding of money from His flock have given many Christians a false mentality and confidence of what He really want from them as His people.

He said, Pastors’ uncanny emphasis on man-made money tithes and offerings created by Emperor Constantine, have given those paying them false confidence towards God, and they believed that since their Pastors’ have told them it’s an obligation for them to pay it, they are pleasing Him and doing His pleasures and they are looking to these man-made rituals and ordinances for their justification from Him and their acceptance of Him. He said, He didn’t make money tithes and offerings obligation for His church, it’s Emperor Constantine who created it that made it obligation for the church. Even though some of His ministers needs financial help to do His work, will not make Him, called man-made precept His doing. All those who believe and have confidence in man-made money tithe and offerings and see it as a means of their justification from His wrath and acceptance to Him, are building their houses on a sandy foundation, and only those who have confidence and trust in His blood and name for their acceptance of Him and justification from His wrath, are building their houses on a solid foundation that can never be destroy. I don’t care whether people hate me or like me for telling the truth, Jesus Christ revealed to me, my joy lies in obedience to what He told me to do. And I am not preaching His Word to achieve any earthly things, human commendations and acceptance. Stop putting your faith and confidence in any man-made precept, even though your Pastors’ are saying it’s the gateway to heaven and blessings, don’t trust in them but only upon the blood and name of Jesus Christ. No Catholic person praying to the mother of their god, calling themselves Christians believed in Jesus Christ. If they say they do, they are liars, because Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man can go to the True God except through Jesus Christ alone (See John 14:6). Hear the Word of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ weeping, saying, “Their confidence in Me is not because of My blood I shed for them, but on the man-made rituals and ordinances of the church (man-made money invented tithes and offerings) which is not the work of My Father, not what He desire, but what He wants from His flocks is complete obedience to His Word, obedience to His Word is like a sweet fragrance to Him. He desire to see them have His love in their hearts, and see His knowledge fill the hearts of His flocks, (citing Hosea 6:6). He desire to see them (His people) know the truth, preach, teach, and speak the truth.” Christ said, “Money has taken the rostrum in the hearts of many Pastors’ and Christians and inside the Church, My people knows money more than me, they have knowledge of money than knowledge of me, and they have curiousity for money, but no holy curiosity to know me.”

“Money is a god in the Church and many Pastors’ have made me so cheap, to the point that my flocks now see money as their mediator between them and My Father, not me, not my blood anymore. They are relying on money to wash their sins and for justification before My Righteous Father. My Father is not happy with the Church and many of His servants because they are trading Him for silver and gold, worldly glories, honours and recognitions of men. Since they (Church) believe money answer what they want, they have valued money more than My Word and Me. Money is more important to many of my flocks than Me. They believe they are better off with money than with my presence in their lives. They have confidence towards My Father’s throne when they have money, but My Father will not accept nor forgive nor justified any man because of their money they give or donate in church and except they trust and believe in my blood for their justification from My Fathers’ wrath, and their acceptance to My Father.”

“My son, the church is sinking, they (many Pastors’) do preach My Word to get money, pray for people to get money and everything about My Father is done with money by the Church. My name, word, and work is used to extort money from my flocks who have now believed that giving of money in anything attached to My name is the fear and love of God. But My fear is to depart from erring and whoring of all kinds, and to flee from appearance of evil, hate evil, pride, and arrogance (citing Proverbs 8:13; Psalm 111:10; 28:28; Ecclesiastes 12:13). And My Love is obedience to My Word (citing John 14:15, 21; 15:10; 1John 5:3). And many of My children are far from doing what is My fear and love, which is not the giving of money in anything that comes in My name, that can’t be called My fear and love, truly, many of My flocks don’t know Me; I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (See John 14:6).”

Jesus Christ said, the love of money is overwhelming many of His servants and flocks and too much emphasis on money inside the Church by many Pastors’ have magnified money above God inside the Church. He said Pastors’ emphasis on money is mainly because of their personal interests for they know He is not the author of all money issues inside the Church, they are the works of men. And the Church dependence on money to do many things will have a terrible effect on Churches in the future. And the Church reliance on money to preach the Word to people has quenched people holy curiosity to seek Him. And Church reliance on money is responsible for the relationship of the Church and the worldly figures, personalities, and politicians. And this will tell on the Church in future and will give Satan power to openly control the Church, but this will happen before rapture. Jesus Christ assured His true Churches that they will be taken away before Satan will rule the Christians that are left behind after rapture of His true Churches. Money is a weapon Satan is using to manipulate the Church and many servants of God. Satan is using money to control the whole world and all that is in it. Money is the greatest influence in this world, and the Church relied upon it than Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ said , “Many of My children are seeking My face because of money, than any other thing in life, they thought of money than Me, and their reliance on money is a snare Satan has prepared to cause many to err and whore to get it. Many have been using My name, word, and work to get money and eat daily bread, many are not working for Me or My Father, though they appear so, but they are working for themselves and for money only using My name, word, and work as a cloak to achieve their lusts. Many Churches in time to come will fold up because of their reliance on money because the time will come when money will be scarcely gotten and those who have it will rule the world and manipulate those who do not have it to do their lusts for them.”

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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