Topic: “COMBINE EFFORT” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 30 June 2021

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READ: 1 Corinthians 1:18-30

…Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.” – 1 Corinthians 1:24

A leader is someone who employs wisdom as an essential tool of life. Christian leaders have the task of combining the Spirit of God and the wisdom of God. That is the will of God. Every Christian leader must learn to achieve a balance between the power and the wisdom. That is what I want you to get as you read this. Christ Jesus is not only power to us. He is power and wisdom.

When you are able to effectively combine the power and the wisdom of God, you will succeed as a leader. If you are a pastor, do not rely solely on spiritual direction; remember that pastors are supposed to use their minds as well. If you use your mind, God will lift you up in ministry.

I once noticed a church that was meeting in somebody’s house in an exclusive and quiet residential neighbourhood. The prayer, the worship and the praise were so loud and offensive that no one on the entire street could concentrate as long as they were shouting through their microphones. The pastor was anointed and he had the power of God at work for him. Unfortunately, he had left out wisdom. They were using a public address system meant for large halls and hundreds of people. I thought to myself, “Very soon this church will be shut down by the neighbours or the police.”

Never use power without wisdom and never use wisdom without power

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