Topic: “COMBINED FORCE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 4 July 2021

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READ: Exodus 15:26

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings…” – Malachi 4:2

Unfortunately, extreme faith teachings have given the impression that God is against medicine. They have left us with the impression that God would like to replace all medical personnel with pastors. They left us with a feeling that to take medicine was sinful or unspiritual.

In one church, over forty-five people died because they refused to take medicine. Parents rejected medicine for their little children because of their belief in faith healing. Eventually, the pastor himself fell ill but refused medication. By and by, he was brought to church in a wheel chair, still refusing medical help until he died.

This kind of thing throws the healing ministry into confusion. We all tend to move away from an area of confusion. This is why many have turned away from the healing ministry. In spite of the confusion you cannot discount the reality of God’s healing power.

God is not trying to replace hospitals and doctors with pastors and evangelists. God gave the wisdom for medical science. Both streams of healing are ordained of God and are not contrary to each other. God does heal and if you believe in Him, you will actually see people being healed. You will see miracles! You will witness the power of God in manifestation!

We have to understand the balance between medical science and God’s power.

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