Topic: “COME ALONE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 13 March 2021

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READ: Exodus 34:1-9

The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.” – Psalm 145:18

Set a regular time when you meet God. It is very important that you set a regular time for your quiet time. Life is such that important things are often overlooked. If you do not schedule a constant period for a quiet time, I assure you that you will leave it out. The best time for a quiet time is first thing in the morning.

Notice that Moses had his quiet time in the morning.

A quiet time is an intimate time between you and your God. It is a private moment that you must cherish. You will notice that Moses could not have his quiet time in the presence of others. A quiet time is a time when you are alone with God. You cannot develop a personal relationship with someone unless you are alone with the person. It must be possible to withdraw yourself from the company of others so that you can be alone with God.

During your quiet time, it is helpful to create an atmosphere that is conducive for fellowship with God. You can do this by playing good worship music in the background. If you do not have any such music you can worship the Lord yourself. As you worship the Lord, the presence of the Lord will fill your room. God inhabits praises. There is an atmosphere in which God’s presence thrives.

If you can afford it, you must create for yourself a private place in your home where you go to pray and meet with God.

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