Topic: COME AND SEE – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 23 June 2020]

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June 23, 2020

Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found Him of who Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” Nathanael said to him, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” – JOHN 1:45-4600:0001:42

Nathanael was what I would call a thinking skeptic. So it’s no wonder his friend Philip knew better than to give him a “hard sell.” He simply said, “Come and see.” Where Jesus is concerned, “come and see” is an unbeatable invitation. Seeing Jesus – the real Jesus – is the most compelling argument that exists for Christianity.

As one of my sons said when he was younger, “Dad, there’s only one good reason for being a Christian … and that’s Jesus!” So let me ask you … Is there a Nathanael in your life? Or perhaps you yourself are a thinking skeptic. If so, I have 3 simple words for you: “Come and see.” Take an honest look at Jesus, and before long, you will become a Philip, inviting others to come and see, because you just can’t keep the Good News of Jesus Christ to yourself!

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